
will you be my valentine?

straight-up, home-made valentines

how to: back to basics on this one. glitter, pieces of felt, shiny paper, etc... home-made envelopes made from Trader Joe's shopping bags and staples.

two valentines for my man- the larger from 2007, the smaller from 2008.

 by brooklyn based artist 


ways to say i love you...

hand stitched undershirts
i made these for him for valentines day 2007 and they're still in great shape.

how to: buy an undershirt that will fit your loved one. draw a heart in pencil as a guideline to follow. Take red thread strung through a needle and stitch a heart along the outline. if you cannot, ask your mother to. she can. then learn how. i also did another shirt with a secret 'i love you' message in blue on his shirt sleeve and his 'name' in yellow along the bottom seam of the shirt.

wall paper

wall paper as a bold statement to spruce up any ole room

*featurette: cavern home


bridal shower

alex plays on white as an underlying theme accenting with bright colors.

featurette: alex caratachea of san francisco
interior designer
contact him at: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/alex-caratachea/11/6a0/8b6


ice cubes with a twist

ice cubes with liqueur and fruit.

*how to: prepare ice cube tray with a just a dash of contreau, a pinch of orange zest and a blackberry and raspberry. top with water & freeze. plop into a glass of prosecco, a fruit based cocktail or even whiskey. try any variation including mint leaves, rosemary, habanero, campari, etc...